
the beautiful imperfections

of a well designed lifestyle


Years in the making,


is a new fulfilment theory that explores the connectedness between people and their environments.

Stemming from twenty years of practicing interior design and architecture, the concept was developed by Adriana Mot and it is actively being used in her design practice,

Dochia interior design

Stay tuned and subscribe to: DOCHIA TRENDING to learn more about this amazing concept and how the power of space can improve your wellbeing.

watch now:



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With every day that passes I know less about the world.

But as I make something every day, the world knows more about me.

Living well is a choice that only you can make for yourself


Adriana Mot

Is an award winning Canadian interior designer in Toronto. 

She is the founder and creative drive of Dochia Interior Design where for more than two decades, her impeccable taste and ability to balance practicality with innovation delivered beautiful and unique spaces for her beloved clientele.

Writer and editor of lifestyle blog My two cents on design, her professional knowledge, style tips and inspiration bring an original insight to how we perceive and shape the world around us.

In the ONGOING YouTUBE CHANNEL SERIES she will be sharing her PROFESSIONAL AND personal take on the importance of design in crafting a successful lifestyle.